Budget 2024-25 – The incentivization of job creation in the manufacturing sector will help generate more: Divyam Shah

The centre’s renewed interest in maintaining its focus on infrastructure development in the Union Budget is a gratifying sight.

“Furthermore, the incentivization of job creation in the manufacturing sector will help the sector to generate more jobs for skilled professionals, helping to streamline and increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process, leading to future growth.”

The government’s continued push on developing and revitalizing infrastructure projects will assist the overall construction sector to ensure growth. The centre’s renewed interest in maintaining its focus on infrastructure development in the Union Budget 2024-25 is a gratifying sight. The construction of several key road connectivity projects, including highways and others, along with a new airport in Bihar and across India aligns with Eurobond’s long-term objectives. Furthermore, the incentivization of job creation in the manufacturing sector will help the sector to generate more jobs for skilled professionals, helping to streamline and increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process, leading to future growth.”

By Divyam Shah, Director of Euro Panel Products Limited

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